We love the freshness of Southeast Asia and the smokiness of American Barbecue, the elegance of Far East Asia and the kick of South American Flavours. Some call it "Fusion". We prefer to let creativity flow.
We bring big flavors to plant-based food using technique and the best ingredients to make food that is both delicious and sustainable.
We keep our menu seasonal, mostly local, homemade and totally honest
And, YEAH, the beer is always cold
Check out our current menu
We jagen verrukkingen na door de beste ingrediënten te selecteren, meestal in eigen beheer of met geselecteerde producenten die we vertrouwen.
Techniek speelt ook een behoorlijke rol in onze keuken. We houden ervan om te fermenteren, te pekelen, te roken, te macereren, te marineren en de grenzen van verse producten tegen vuur te testen.
Voedsel moet duurzaam zijn. Het helpt immers niet om lekker te zijn als we er niet ons hele leven van kunnen genieten.
Daarom hebben we ervoor gekozen om de prachtige en uitgestrekte wereld van groenten centraal op je bord te zetten.
Daarom houden we het seizoensgebonden en zo lokaal mogelijk.
Voedsel moet plezier, comfort en verbinding in ons leven brengen. Een bron van feest en sociale verbondenheid. Goede tijden delen met vrienden rond eten. Samen brood breken.
Vriendschap is het belangrijkste ingrediënt in onze creaties.
"I simply wanna make delicious food, for everyone, just without the animal part" - Gustavo Bottino - Executive Chef
Before SOIL VEGAN CAFE, I had made a name for myself in the world of barbecue and meat. But over the past years, I got increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of what we eat, in particular, animal proteins. However, as someone who grew up around meat, I just wasn't willing to give up on tasty food.
Preparing plant-based meals at home was easy. But out on the streets, it was a completely different story. I quickly got tired of the all-too-similar alternatives available.
My business partner Remco and I racked our brains for a year to find a solution to this problem. We came up with SOIL VEGAN CAFE. A casual and friendly place where you can go for lunch or dinner or just for a happy hour and the food is fundamentally delicious, just without the animal part.
I am always on the lookout for people to join our team and help me make delicious plant-based food. If you think you got what it takes.

The documentary produced by Food Inspiration Magazine and directed by Nina Slagmolen profiles our journey and our vision to a better future through food.